Flossy's Sweet Tooth
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Project Description: Flossy's Sweet Tooth is a cotton candy company that crafts fun and delicious cotton candy. The company needed an entire branding makeover. Logo and label creation were the key elements that needed created. The primary objective was to create an image that would resonate with their target demographic and encapsulate the joyous and vibrant essence of cotton candy.

Logo Design: We began by focusing on the logo, the cornerstone of the brand's identity. We opted for a design that was both fun and captivating. We used a gradient of pink and blue hues. This was a nod to the traditional cotton candy colors. These shades also injected the logo with energy, aligning it with the company's lively spirit.

Label Design: After creating the logo, we then moved to creating the labels. We already established a branding guide with a set color palette, and we made sure to main brand coherence when designing the labels.

Web Design: In addition to developing the branding, we had the privilege of designing and developing Flossy's website as well. This was a super fun project and came easily to us since we were so familiar with the branding and the mood that she was trying to convey. This website was not only informative but also features e-commerce and inevitably will help drive more sales to the business.

Check out Flossy's Facebook page here!