The Basics of SEO

The Basics of SEO

The Basics of SEO | In the ever-evolving realm of digital marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) stands as the cornerstone for improving a website’s visibility and driving organic traffic. While the landscape of SEO may seem daunting at first glance, understanding its key components can demystify the process and pave the way for enhanced online presence. In this guide, we delve into three crucial aspects of SEO: Keywords and Key Phrases, Readability, and the Lesser Known Magic of Image Descriptions.

Keywords and Key Phrases

At the heart of the basics of SEO lies the strategic use of keywords and key phrases. These are the terms and phrases that users type into search engines when seeking information. Integrating relevant keywords into website content signals to search engines that your site is a valuable resource for those particular topics, thereby improving its ranking in search results.

However, effective keyword usage goes beyond mere repetition. It involves thorough research to identify high-traffic keywords pertinent to your niche. Tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush can aid in this process, offering insights into search volume, competition, and related keywords.

Once you’ve compiled a list of target keywords, seamlessly incorporate them into your website’s titles, headings, meta descriptions, and body content. Strive for a natural flow of language while ensuring that keywords are strategically placed for maximum impact.


In the digital sphere, readability plays a pivotal role in engaging and retaining website visitors. A well-structured, easy-to-read content not only enhances user experience but also contributes to SEO performance.

When crafting content, keep paragraphs concise and utilize headings and subheadings to break up text. Bullet points and numbered lists can further improve readability by presenting information in a digestible format. Additionally, aim for a conversational tone that resonates with your target audience, steering clear of overly technical jargon that may alienate readers.

Tools such as Yoast SEO or Grammarly can assess the readability of your content, offering suggestions for improvement. Pay attention to factors like sentence length, word choice, and sentence complexity to ensure that your content is accessible to a wide audience.

The Lesser Known Magic – Image Descriptions

While text-based content often takes center stage in SEO strategies, overlooking the importance of image descriptions can be a missed opportunity. Search engines cannot interpret images in the same way humans do; they rely on accompanying text to understand the context and relevance of an image.

Image descriptions, also known as alt text or alt tags, serve as textual descriptions of images on a webpage. They not only improve accessibility for visually impaired users but also provide valuable metadata for search engines. When crafting image descriptions, be descriptive yet concise, accurately summarizing the content and purpose of the image.

Incorporating relevant keywords into image descriptions can further bolster your SEO efforts, providing additional signals to search engines about the content of your website. Remember to use keywords sparingly and naturally, avoiding keyword stuffing tactics that may result in penalization by search engines.

Active and Passive Voice: A Crucial Consideration in SEO

In the realm of content creation, the choice between active and passive voice can significantly impact both readability and SEO performance. Active voice emphasizes clarity and directness, making it ideal for engaging readers and conveying information succinctly. On the other hand, passive voice can sometimes obscure the subject of a sentence, leading to ambiguity and decreased reader comprehension.

From an SEO perspective, active voice tends to perform better as it enhances the clarity of your content and improves keyword integration. Search engines prioritize content that is concise, informative, and easy to understand, making active voice a valuable asset in optimizing your website for higher rankings.

When crafting content, strive to use active voice whenever possible, particularly in headings, meta descriptions, and key sections of your text. Active voice not only improves readability but also strengthens the connection between your content and target keywords, thereby enhancing its relevance in search engine results.


In conclusion, mastering the basics of SEO requires a multifaceted approach encompassing keywords and key phrases, readability, and image descriptions. By optimizing each of these elements, you can enhance your website’s visibility, attract organic traffic, and ultimately achieve your digital marketing goals.

Additional Articles

SEO Writing: 12 Tips for Creating SEO-Optimized Content by SemRush

What is SEO? A beginner’s guide to search engine optimization

OACAA Self Sufficiency Calculator

The Self Sufficiency Calculator

We’ve all been there. We get a project and realize there is a piece to it that we don’t know how to solve. In the world of web design, this can be terrifying. A quote from Chris Pine says “programming isn’t about what you know; it’s about what you can figure out.” 

This might be a common truth, but when you have a client relying on you to build a program, it suddenly becomes frightening. In these moments, it is imperative that we take a few deep breaths and lean on the knowledge that we already have and the confidence that comes from experience and the ability to learn from others. 

The problem: 

A little while back, our team faced a project that was beyond the current capabilities of what our developer had done. Looking back now, it was a simple solution, but being new to the field, it took some researching, learning and a lot of googling! 

The project was for an organization called OACAA and involved building a self sufficiency calculator. In this calculator, a person can input certain information such as age, location, number of people in the household and then get a breakdown of the income they would need in certain categories, to remain self sufficient. 

Our web design team was used to working with CMS system such as WordPress and Squarespace and hadn’t had a lot of real life applications with hard coding. This calculator project presented a great opportunity for our team to utilize those skills. 

The solution: 

Our team used Javascript and JSON specifically to build the backend of the program and calculations and we are elated to say that it was built successfully and now lives at


You might not know everything now, but that’s okay. Web design and development is about finding out what you CAN do. Everything can be solved and with the amazing resources such as Stack Overflow or W3 Schools you can collaborate with other developers who know more than you and then use what you learn for future projects. 

The main lesson here is, don’t be afraid to not know everything and don’t be afraid to learn!

Goodwill Ohio Website Design

Mobile Responsiveness


Screen responsiveness is one of the most important features of good website design. Does your website look great on your desktop, but when you pull it up on your phone images float off the screen and words are jumbled together? This is a sign that your designer didn’t account for different size screens. 

According to multiple studies, users visit websites on their phones a higher percentage of the time than they do on their computers. We live in a fast-paced society where it is common for people to be head down, buried in their phones. 


Think about it. It makes sense. If you are out and about at the grocery store and you think to yourself, “I would love to grab some ice cream after this but I’m not sure what’s open,” your first instinct is probably to pull out your phone and search “ice cream near me.” Logistically, you wouldn’t grab your groceries, go home, sit down at your laptop and search “ice cream near me” only to have to go back out again afterwards. At that point, you’re home. You might as well pull some Ben & Jerry’s out of the fridge and stay home, right? 

After you’ve searched the stores that are open, you will click on the top searches to see the flavors available at each location and scope out the quality of the establishment. The quality of your website becomes a customer’s first impression, which we talked about in this article.


Your potential customers will visit your website on multiple different devices. There is no getting around this phenomena and it is important for you to put your best foot forward in all arenas of the web. We would love to work with you and set you up for success! Contact us using any of the methods on our contact page

Supporting Articles:

Mobile vs. Desktop Usage by Robin Layton 
Internet Traffic from Mobile Devices by Josh Howarth

Good Design Matters

The Importance of Good Website Design to Build Customer Relations and Trust

A website is the ultimate “First Impression”

Think of it this way, if you stepped into a store and the products were haphazardly strewn everywhere, the walls were green with orange stripes, the floor looked like it hadn’t been swept in a week, there were no signs indicating what was even being sold in the store and there was one employee sitting in the corner on their phone… You probably would enter and immediately turn around and leave. 

Contrast that with stepping into a store with all of the products organized onto different tables with signs labeling what the products were and their prices, modern and aesthetic furniture and light fixtures, clean floors, and multiple employees who greeted you the second you walked in… Now you might stay and browse this store. You might even inherently trust the quality of the products more than the quality of the other store just from first impressions of the space. 

Websites allow customers to get this first impression without even needing to step into your store. So many of your potential customers will check your social media and website before even thinking about taking the time to actually step into your store that your website MATTERS. 

Good design matters, but so does user experience!

Good design matters, but so does user experience. Even if your website looks good and has a bunch of cool features, but your customers can’t find what they’re looking for, the website is still not ideal. You want your website to convey who YOU are and what you value. 

One of the best ways to tackle good user experience is to make sure that the website’s main navigation makes sense and clearly communicates what users should find on each page. Avoiding ambiguous jargon and using categories and subcategories helps organize the website so your customers can navigate your site without becoming frustrated. 


Web design is important to the success of your business because customers care about the way you present yourself online just as much as in the store. It always gives people a good way to know who you are and what you do and can help generate traffic without you needing to lift a finger!

If you are interested in working with us, reach out using our contact page! We can’t wait to hear from you.

Additional Resources:

What is the importance of web design for your audience? by Smart Insights
5 Important Reasons Why Web Design Matters by Luke Bieganek

Maggie's Farm & Aromatics Website Design

Maggie’s Farm & Aromatics Website Design & Development

Site featured: Maggie’s Farm & Aromatics

Metropolis Design Studios has had the privilege of collaborating and working on Maggie’s Farm & Aromatics website design & development. Maggie’s Farm is a modern apothecary with handmade goods. From designing and developing their initial website to the recent expansion, Metropolis has been an integral part of Maggie’s Farm’s digital evolution.

Metropolis designed and developed the first iteration of the website, laying the foundation for what was to come. However, as Maggie’s Farm flourished and its business grew, its website needed to grow with it. 

Maggie’s Farm recently acquired a second location and asked Metropolis to expand the current website to allow space for two locations, more photos of the spaces and ways to book candle pourings in both Chillicothe and Columbus Ohio.

The revamped website not only helped Maggie’s grow logistically but also involved a redesign using a new color palette marked by earthy tones and a pop of purple in accordance to their logo. 

The website isn’t just a digital catalog—it’s a portal to an immersive experience. Seamless integration of contact information for store associates across both locations ensures that assistance is just a click away. Moreover, intuitive calls-to-action beckon visitors to partake in unique experiences, such as booking candle-pouring sessions—a testament to Maggie’s Farm’s dedication to fostering community and shared moments of joy.

We loved the Maggie’s Farm & Aromatics website design & development project, and we look forward to future collaboration as Maggie’s Farm continues to share its presence with the world.

If you are interested in working with us, visit our contact page and let’s talk!

Perfection One Website Design & Development

Your Website is Your Digital Business Card

Website Featured: Perfection One

In today’s digital age, your website serves as your digital business card, representing your brand, expertise, and offerings to potential clients and customers. Whether you’re an author, a dance instructor, or a business owner in any industry, having an online presence is no longer optional—it’s essential for success.

Embracing the Digital Sphere

Gone are the days when word-of-mouth and physical business cards were sufficient to attract clientele. With the widespread use of smartphones and the internet, people now turn to online platforms to discover businesses, research services, and make purchasing decisions.

The Importance of an Online Presence

Your website is more than just a collection of web pages—it’s a virtual storefront that operates 24/7, showcasing your talents, products, and services to a global audience. It’s where potential customers go to learn about who you are, what you do, and why they should choose you over competitors.

Making a Positive Impression

Just as you would carefully design a traditional business card to leave a lasting impression, your website should reflect your professionalism, expertise, and unique value proposition. From sleek design elements to compelling content, every aspect of your site should captivate visitors and compel them to explore further.

Catering to Client Expectations

In today’s fast-paced world, consumers expect businesses to have an online presence. Whether they’re searching for information, reading reviews, or making purchases, they want convenient access to the services and products they need. By having a well-designed website, you not only meet these expectations but also enhance your credibility and legitimacy as a business.

Reaching Your Target Audience

Your website serves as a powerful marketing tool, allowing you to reach a wider audience and attract potential clients who may not have discovered you otherwise. Through search engine optimization (SEO), social media integration, and engaging content, you can increase your visibility and connect with individuals who are actively seeking what you have to offer.

Building Relationships and Trust

In addition to attracting new clients, your website plays a crucial role in nurturing existing relationships and building trust with your audience. By providing valuable resources, insightful blog posts, and transparent information about your business, you demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction and establish yourself as a trusted authority in your field.

Empowering Your Business Growth

Your website is not just a static online brochure—it’s a dynamic tool that can propel your business forward. By leveraging analytics, lead generation strategies, and customer feedback, you can continually refine your online presence to better serve your audience and achieve your business goals.


In today’s digital landscape, your website is the cornerstone of your online presence, serving as your digital business card to showcase your expertise, attract clients, and foster meaningful connections with your audience. By investing in a professionally designed website and optimizing it to meet the needs of your target market, you can position yourself for success in an increasingly competitive marketplace. So, embrace the power of the internet, and let your website be the gateway to your business’s growth and prosperity. Let’s talk! Reach out to us by using our contact page!

Additional Resources:
Your Website Is A Digital Business Card. Don’t Waste It by Robin Waite

The Art of Information Curation for Your Website

Website Featured: GCRCD

Have you ever wondered how we curate information for our websites? You might envision a daunting, time-consuming process for the client, but let’s challenge that assumption! At our core, we prioritize relationships and seek to deeply understand you and your business. Let’s peel back the layers and explore the art of information curation for your website!

Establishing Meaningful Connections

From the outset, our approach is rooted in establishing a strong connection with our clients. We understand that every business is unique, and to portray that uniqueness accurately on a website, we need to get to know the essence of the brand. This is where our personalized approach kicks in.

The Art of Conversation

At the inception of our collaboration, we initiate informal discussions with our clients. These conversations serve as the cornerstone of our information gathering process. Picture a relaxed setting where we sit down, perhaps with a cup of coffee or tea, and engage in profound dialogue.

Crafting the Perfect Questions

Our secret sauce lies in the list of carefully crafted questions that guide these conversations. These questions are designed not only to extract essential information but also to spark insightful discussions about your business goals, target audience, brand identity, and more. We’re not just checking off boxes; we’re delving deep into the heart of your business to grasp its essence.

Simplicity with Impact

What makes our interview-style format stand out is its simplicity and effectiveness. We understand that you’re busy running your business, so we strive to make this part of the process as easy for you as possible. No jargon-filled forms or overwhelming questionnaires—just genuine conversations that feel more like friendly chats than formal interviews.

Transforming Insights into Action

Through these conversations, we gain invaluable insights that lay the groundwork for crafting compelling content tailored to your brand. Whether it’s the story behind your brand’s inception, the unique value proposition you offer, or the challenges you’ve overcome, every detail matters in shaping a website that resonates with your audience.

Building Trust and Collaboration

But our approach goes beyond just gathering information; it’s about building trust and fostering collaboration. We want you to feel heard and understood throughout the process, knowing that your vision is at the forefront of every decision we make.

A Partnership for Success

By the end of our conversations, you’ll not only have provided us with the necessary information for your website but also gained a partner who is invested in your success. Our commitment to transparency, empathy, and communication sets the stage for a fruitful collaboration that extends beyond the initial project.

Putting Relationships First

In an industry often characterized by impersonal transactions, we stand out by prioritizing relationships. We firmly believe that the journey of website creation should be as enriching and enjoyable as the final product. It all begins with a simple conversation—one that sets the stage for a website that authentically mirrors the essence of your business.

We would love to meet you, get to know you and work with your business! If you’re interested in forming a strong partnership with us, reach out using the resources on our contact page!

Additional Resources:
The Web Developer & Customer Relationship by Darryl Britton
The Relationship Between Web Design and Customer Service by Graticle Design

The Importance Of User Friendly Websites

Website featured: Flossy’s Sweet Tooth

In today’s digital age, having a website for your business is a necessity rather than a luxury. It serves as the virtual face of your brand, often acting as the first point of contact for potential customers. But simply having a website isn’t enough. This is where the Importance of User Friendly Websites comes into play. It needs to be user-friendly and engaging to truly capture the attention of visitors and convert them into loyal customers. So, the question arises: Is your website easy to use? Is it engaging? Can visitors find the most important information effortlessly? If you’re not sure or if the answer is a hesitant “maybe” or even a firm “no,” it’s time to address these crucial concerns.

The Importance of User-Friendly Websites

In the vast expanse of the internet, users have incredibly short attention spans. Studies have shown that the average internet user decides whether to stay on a webpage within just a few seconds of landing on it. If your website is cluttered, confusing, or difficult to navigate, visitors are likely to leave without exploring further. This can result in missed opportunities and lost revenue for your business.

A user-friendly website, on the other hand, is intuitive and easy to navigate. It guides visitors seamlessly through the content, making it effortless for them to find what they’re looking for. Whether it’s information about your products or services, contact details, or pricing, every piece of essential information should be readily accessible.

The Power of Engagement

Beyond usability, engagement is another key aspect of a successful website. Engaging content captivates visitors, encourages them to interact with your brand, and ultimately fosters a deeper connection. This could include compelling visuals, informative blog posts, interactive elements, or even personalized experiences tailored to the individual user.

By keeping visitors engaged, you not only hold their attention for longer but also increase the likelihood of conversions. Whether your goal is to generate leads, drive sales, or simply build brand awareness, an engaging website can be a powerful tool in achieving these objectives.

Evaluating Your Website

Now that we’ve highlighted the importance of user-friendliness and engagement, it’s time for a critical self-assessment. Take a step back and objectively evaluate your website from the perspective of a first-time visitor. Ask yourself:

– Is the layout clean and uncluttered?
– Can visitors easily navigate to different sections of the site?
– Is the most important information prominently displayed?
– Are there clear calls-to-action guiding visitors towards desired actions?
– Does the website load quickly and perform well across different devices?

If you find yourself hesitating or answering “no” to any of these questions, it’s a clear indicator that your website could benefit from improvements.

Let’s Talk!

At Metropolis Design Studios, we specialize in creating user-friendly, engaging websites that drive results. Whether you need a complete website redesign or just a few tweaks to enhance usability, we’re here to help. Our team of experienced professionals will work closely with you to understand your business goals and create a customized solution that exceeds your expectations. Reach out to us by using our contact page!

Other Resources
The following are some other great blogs and resources for evaluating your website!
Bluehost Blog by Devin Sears
Abmatic Post by Jimit Mehta